Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an 2019 action-adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The story, set in the Star Wars universe five years after Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, follows Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis, who becomes a target of the Galactic Empire and is hunted throughout the galaxy by the Imperial Inquisitorius while attempting to complete his training, reconcile with his troubled past, and rebuild the fallen Jedi Order. In the game, Cal can use his lightsaber and Force powers to defeat enemies ranging from stormtroopers to wild beasts that are native to each planet he explores. The game adopts a Metroidvania style of exploration and progression, as each location is filled with multiple shortcuts and secret rooms that are inaccessible until Cal gains the appropriate abilities or tools.
The game was directed by Stig Asmussen, who joined Respawn in 2014. The game began development as an original game unrelated to Star Wars, but the combat system drew attention from various people at EA, who felt the game would work well as a Star Wars game. The team collaborated closely wtih Lucasfilm while creating the game. They took inspirations from Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Dark Souls when they were developing the game’s combat system and designing the levels, while Rogue One and Star Wars Rebels influenced the game visually. The game’s voice cast includes Cameron Monaghan as Cal Kestis and Debra Wilson as his mentor Cere. Ben Burtt provided the voice for Cal’s companion droid BD-1, while Forest Whitaker reprised his role from Rogue One as Saw Gerrera.
First revealed in May 2016, the game was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November 2019, and for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X and Series S in June 2021. The game received generally favorable reviews, with critics praising the game’s combat, characters, performance, and world design, though it received criticisms for its story, technical issues and lack of polish at release. It was a commercial success, selling more than ten million copies by 2020, and became Respawn’s most profitable premium project by dollar sales. It was nominated for several end-of-the-year accolades, including Best Action/Adventure Game at The Game Awards 2020. A sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, is set to release in 2023.
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