Slay the Spire – Unique and attractive Roguelike fighting card game
Slay the Spire is a unique product that combines two seemingly unrelated genres: card combat and dungeon roguelike. This combination has created a game that is very attractive and captivating to players.
Slay The Spire is a game that has made a strong impression in the dungeon roguelike sub-genre. The unique elements of the game have created an interesting experience for players.
Game information
- Genre: Card, Strategy
- Graphics: 2D
- Mode: Online, Single Player
- Age: 12+
- Publisher: Mega Crit Games, Humble Bundle
- Platform: Android, Windows, iOS, PlayStation 4…
- Game release date: 11/14/2017
Minimum configuration
- Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
- Processor: 2.0 Ghz
- RAM: 2 GB
- Graphics: 1Gb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support
- Free space: 1 GB
Android: Android 5.1 and up
iOS: iOS 9.0 or later
Slay the Spire does not have a clear plot, the game’s setting is a dark dungeon in an ancient and magical world. The plot follows a “secret” direction that will be “revealed” gradually over time towards the end of the game.
And similar to other fighting games, players will have to overcome the tower floors of The Spire, facing and defeating different monsters to solve the puzzle at the end of the journey.
Slay The Spire Gameplay
The gameplay of Slay The Spire is both old and new. Old in that it relies on the turn-based mechanism or turn-based strategy of the familiar card game genre. However, there is still a breakthrough that makes the difference. That is, the first turn will belong to the player and then it is the monster’s turn. The player will choose one of 4 predetermined character classes, each character will own a starting deck of 5 attack cards, 5 defense cards and 1-2 cards with special functions.
This deck includes 350 cards corresponding to 3 rarities, with 100 cards for each character and more than 30 “blank” cards for any character. Every 3 times you play, you will have the opportunity to add cards to your own collection. In addition to collecting more cards, you also have to collect more Relics to increase your power.
With a large number of cards and the random appearance of 1-5 cards after each encounter, players will have to consider carefully to make their choice in building an “all-powerful” deck for that game.
The roguelike element of Slay the Spire comes into play here, as the cards that “drop” between encounters have a very low chance of being duplicated. And the chance of duplication is even lower between two separate playthroughs, so players have to completely change their strategy each time they start over.
The main task that the player needs to do in Slay the Spire is to climb the upper floors of the tower which consists of many rooms. The ultimate goal is to survive the entire journey to face the final boss in Chapter 3.
- Ironclad: Possesses a powerful offensive arsenal, formidable defenses, and the terrifying power of his demonic benefactors. The Ironclad character starts with 80 HP – the highest of any playable character.
- Silent: A female hunter with a beast’s head, capable of weakening her enemies with multiple cuts and poisons. She uses simple tricks, combined with agility for defense. With many powerful cards to draw and discard, Silent will always be able to stay one step ahead of her enemies.
- Defect: Slay the Spire’s Defect is one of many ancient automatons. It can attack enemies with high-tech weapons with a variety of powers and elemental summoning spells. Its starting health bar is 70 HP.
- Watcher: As a monk, he will use different martial arts to fight. This character’s starting health bar is 72 HP.
Featured Cards
Since it is a card game, of course the cards in Slay the Spire are also extremely diverse. There are a total of 7 different types of cards and each card has a different value. The banner behind it and the color of the frame will determine whether it is a rare card or not.
- Rare Card: Has a yellow banner and frame
- Uncommon Card: Has a blue banner and frame
- Regular Card: Has a banner and a gray frame
In addition to the uniqueness of the cards, the weapon system in Slay the Spire is also impressive. Which weapon you own will depend on the character you choose. Ironclad’s weapon is a sword, Silent’s carries a dagger, Watcher possesses the power of a staff, and Defect uses high-tech weapons. In addition, when you collect cards, you will also have more weapons.
For the card game Slay the Spire, enemies are divided into 3 types as follows:
- Monster: Common enemies, when you meet them you will have to fight one or more monsters, the difficulty level depends on each floor. When you defeat them you will receive coins, one of three optional cards or sometimes a potion.
- Elites: Elites are stronger than Monsters, so the difficulty level is also higher. If the player wins it, they will receive a random achievement as a reward. It can be 25-35 gold, reward cards or reward points.
- Boss: Boss is many times stronger than the two types of enemies above. Not only does it possess strength, it also has a much higher amount of health. In particular, the boss will use tricks to “block” the player’s deck.
Graphics and sound
Slay the Spire has quite eye-catching, vivid graphics mixed with a bit of fun. Although it is a card game, there are still intense and eye-catching hand-to-hand battles. The card information section is designed by the publisher to be very easy to read.
The game does not have many special background music, but in return, the effects are made very smoothly. The rustling sounds when using cards or the sound of skills attacking monsters and the interactive buttons like the sound of a pen continuously writing on paper are all very clear and interesting.
The uniqueness of Slay The Spire is made up of many elements including gameplay, missions, character lines, etc. If you are a fan of card games, you definitely cannot miss this game!