Pirates: Tides Of Fortune
Game Description
Pirates: Tides of Fortune is a highly competitive Massively Multiplayer Real Time Strategy (MMORTS) that thrusts you out into the uncharted waters of the Seven Seas and immerses you in the hustling, raiding, treasure-hunting life of a Pirate. You, as Captain of your own pirate crew, must raise your Pirate Haven from a nameless desert island into the bustling hub of your Pirate Empire. Fortune favors the bold: recruit your own stalwart crew, raise your fleet and set sail for fame, glory and untold treasure today in Pirates: Tides of Fortune!
Your Haven is the center of your Pirating Universe. Here is where you will earn and develop your Resources in order to advance the construction of all of your buildings as you rise in reputation as a Captain.
Every day you will receive a new Sketch from your Tinker. Once you have the full number of Sketches needed for a Discovery, you can research the Discovery for the given amount of Resources.
The Resources you need within the game are Gold, Lumber, and Rum. You will require the Resources to progress through the many challenges and experiences that you will encounter daily.
The game is designed for you to grow and expand your Fleet and its pirate Crew. To do this you must interact with other players and form teams called Brotherhoods.